A local church is holding a prayer event. For five days the building is permanently open for anyone to come in and pray.
That in itself is unusual these days and deserves commendation. But Beeches Evangelical Church isn't just opening its doors. It has filled the space with aids to prayer.
There are separate areas laid out to, for example, focus on the holiness of God, write out a testimony, listen to worship songs, pray for the local community, take communion, pray for the persecuted church and more. There is even a "messy table" where children (or adults) can paint and be creative as they think about God.
The church is already a place of prayer but when I walked in on Tuesday morning it felt especially full of the presence of God. But my favourite section, the one where I felt closest to God, was the little room laid out simply for private devotion.
I have written before about Sacred Spaces but it almost seemed as though someone had read my heart. If I could have a room in my home, dedicated solely to prayer, it would look something like this room. It seemed to me like stepping into heaven's throne room.
To describe it in detail would feel like dissecting a loved one. I sat on the floor and wept between a cross on one side of me and a representation of the throne of God on the other and had an overwhelming sense of security.
A realisation grew that we are safely hemmed in between the Cross and the Throne Room. Our destiny is secure and nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom 8:37-39) or take us from His hand (Jn 10:28-29).
I confess I felt I could have stayed there forever.
Here might I stay and sing,
No story so divine;
Never was love, dear King!
Never was grief like Thine.
This is my Friend, in Whose sweet praise
I all my days could gladly spend.
Samuel Crossman
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