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Friday, February 08, 2008

Praying With Faith

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (Matt 21:22)

One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is your faith. I'm not talking about evangelism, but praying with faith.

Oh Me Of Little Faith
There have been times recently when I have lost hope in a particular situation. I have been unable to believe that God would do the miracle I so desperately needed. I believed God could, but I wasn't sure He would. I couldn't pray with the kind of faith & belief the Lord Jesus was talking about in this passage from Matthew.

I did not have the faith, but a dear friend did. She continued to pray after I had given up. She also kept telling me that she believed God would do the miracle. I remained skeptical despite her continued encouragement. I cannot tell you how grateful I was to her as well as to the Lord when the answer came & the miracle happened.

Believing For Others
It's often easier for us to have faith for someone else than for ourselves. While I struggled to believe for my miracle, I am having no difficulty believing for a miracle for another friend with a desperate problem. On the surface the situation looks a mess but as I pray for her I am seeing small but significant changes which tell me that God is at work.

We need one another, not simply for fellowship, but to stand beside us in prayer when we're struggling to hold up our shield of faith. In the famous spiritual armour passage in Eph 6:10-20, Paul tells us four times to stand - take your stand, stand your ground, stand, stand firm. Sometimes all we are capable of is standing. But we can say with David, "He is my defence, I shall not be moved," (Ps 62:6 KJV). At such times we need the faith-filled prayers of our brothers & sisters.

Prayer College Assignment
Is someone you know finding it hard to believe for a positive outcome in a needy situation? Don't judge them for their lack of faith. Instead, review last week's blog about burden-bearing prayer & pray with all the faith you can muster that they will receive their miracle.

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